Filippo Gili a graduate of the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico” in Roma, he starred in in “Besucher” di B. Strauss, “Gli ultimi giorni dell’umanità” di K. Kraus, “La pazza di Chaillot” di J. Giradoux, “Misura per misura” di W. Shakespeare, “Sturm und drang” di F. Von Klinger, under the direction of Luca Ronconi. He directed as full-feature films the stagings of “Casa di Bambola”, “Prima di andar via”, “L'ultimo raggio di luce”, while “Il gabbiano” is still in its editing stages. Recently he's also directed “Porte chiuse”, taken from Sartre, “Spettri” by Ibsen, “Oreste” by Euripide, re-written for the stage by Marco Bellocchio. During the #Argot30 season he directed the Uffici Teatrali in “Tre sorelle | Il Gabbiano”  for the Sistema Cechov project. Taken from a staging by Francesco Frangipane, a new version of his own “Prima di andar via” will hit the big screen as directed by Michele Placido.

JANUARY 12 | 24  2016




by Filippo Gili

starring Pier Giorgio Bellocchio, Arcangelo Iannace

directed by Filippo Gili

a project by Uffici Teatrali





What if being one of the few men in history to have the impressive privilege of being shoulder to shoulder with the Vicar of Christ was the most scornful of events? What if this wing of God, coming down from above to give happiness to someone, forgot all of a sudden the rule of happiness itself? Two actors for a staging meant on a space that will consitute the bizarre house around which the scattered, invisible audience will be spying as silent ghosts upon the strange story of Angelo Colautti's apparent luck, together with this naive, hapless angel.

Circolo culturale Argostudio | Via Natale del Grande 27 00153 Roma (Trastevere) | tel/fax 06 5898111 | | p.iva : 08154421005 c.f. 06932070581

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