28 | 31 DICEMBRE 2015




by Giovanna Mori and Rosa Mascipinto

in association with Jean-Claude Carrière

directed by Maurizio Panici

produced by Argot Produzioni








A tender, cruel, sentimental and wild play. It represents the need we all have to take a break, a breath that will allow us to step out of the devices of everyday life, more and more suffocating with its unbearable rhythms and its exhausting competitions. The play is also the chance for a quick phonetic exercise, reminding us of Raymond Queneau from “Esercizi di stile”. Mi lascio is the story of its protagonist, a woman looking to date someone who is still struggling for an identity. This is a story that concerns each and everyone of us, told in a simple, righteous way by Giovanna Mori. The space is a place other than here, a circus-like rink where poetry and horror offer a different point of view on reality.

Giovanna Mori is an actress and an author who has been working both for the stage and cinema. Born in Austria from a family of musicians, she's studied at the Ecole du Cirque and the Ecole J. Lecoq in Paris. From the late Eighties until the year 2000 she's been one half of the Opera Comique duo, with Rosa Masciopinto. Prego, which she wrote and starred in, has won the  Premio Federgat 2015. Starting in 2000 she's been teaching and co-directing the Theatre School in Anghiari (Arezzo). She regularly teaches seminars at the Università di Nantes, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London, Wansee Forum in Berlin, San Pietroburgo, Torino, (master in social theatre 2011/ 2013), Roma,  Aosta,  Anghiari. Since 2000 she's also been writing screenplays: Riprendimi by Anna Negri, Italian movie by Matteo Pellegrini, Leone nel basilico by Leone Pompucci.

Circolo culturale Argostudio | Via Natale del Grande 27 00153 Roma (Trastevere) | tel/fax 06 5898111 | info@teatroargotstudio.com | p.iva : 08154421005 c.f. 06932070581

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