Filippo Gili a graduate of the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico” in Roma, he starred in in “Besucher” di B. Strauss, “Gli ultimi giorni dell’umanità” di K. Kraus, “La pazza di Chaillot” di J. Giradoux, “Misura per misura” di W. Shakespeare, “Sturm und drang” di F. Von Klinger, under the direction of Luca Ronconi. He directed as full-feature films the stagings of “Casa di Bambola”, “Prima di andar via”, “L'ultimo raggio di luce”, while “Il gabbiano” is still in its editing stages. Recently he's also directed “Porte chiuse”, taken from Sartre, “Spettri” by Ibsen, “Oreste” by Euripide, re-written for the stage by Marco Bellocchio. During the #Argot30 season he directed the Uffici Teatrali in “Tre sorelle | Il Gabbiano”  for the Sistema Cechov project. Taken from a staging by Francesco Frangipane, a new version of his own “Prima di andar via” will hit the big screen as directed by Michele Placido.

MARCH 22  | APRIL 17  2016






by Anton Cechov

a project by Uffici Teatrali

directed by Filippo Gili




Staging together Zio Vanja and Tre sorelle means fishing from the unending Cechov deck four more wildcards that can be plunged in an ecosystem identical to that of the Prozorov house. Even here, more than ever, Time acts as the Greek god Chronos, undermining the expectations of realization, and suffocating and confusing, like Kairos, life's topics until they become moments like any other, annihilating them, making them scatter while travelers are stuck in an eternal station. On Zio Vanja, in particular, we reach the zenith of this confusion but more than anything we reach the zenith of a why that's not final but is vile, an escape that's missing, a surrender that has on itself the weight of wanting to make eternal not a sense, not a reason, not an ego – but the question marks that's behind all of this.

Circolo culturale Argostudio | Via Natale del Grande 27 00153 Roma (Trastevere) | tel/fax 06 5898111 | | p.iva : 08154421005 c.f. 06932070581

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